Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Raids on the Unspeakable

"The rain I am in is not like the rain of cities.
It fills the woods with an immense and
confused sound. It covers the flat roof of the
cabin and its porch with insistent and
controlled rhythms. And I listen, because it
reminds me again and again that the world
runs by rhythms I have not yet learnt to
recognise, rhythms that are not those of the

Rain and the Rhinoceros
from Raids on the Unspeakable
Thomas Merton (1964)

In my Hotel Architecture in North Wales,
the rain is special. It was once so special
and so heavy and insistent in its rhythms that
it ran through the whole 300 year old cottage.
It wiped away the ground floor. Life began again.
That's why there is a room upstairs called
The Thomas Merton Room. It is a small
cell; you can visit anytime and begin to
read all the books by this Trappist monk
if you so wish.